
Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy Summer

It's been a long time since I have posted, so I just wanted to say, "Hello!"  After spring break this year it has been a crazy, busy time of year.  I think I have had more ARCs this year in April and May than ever in my entire special ed. career!  Just one of those lovely things about special education.

This time of year always makes me feel nostalgic.  It is a time to reflect on the year, think about what worked, find a way to fix what didn't, and to enjoy the last few days with the kids of this year!  This year has had its ups and downs, just like any year.  It seemed like a year of unpredictable events from our spec. ed. director retiring at the beginning of the year, to being involved in a Numeracy project that consumed a lot of my time, and being surprised with an Outstanding Educator Award today!  Wow!  What a year!  I have enjoyed this year and I will be sad to see my 5th graders head to middle school, but it is time.  Another season of life is ending and I will enjoy the summer that is approaching and begin preparing for a new year!!

Happy Summer, Teachers!!!
