
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dog-gone Lazy Sunday Afternoon

We have a new addition to our family!  He is the most precious thing you have ever seen...really!!!

Let the cuteness commence..............................

Skipper...shortened to Skippy!  We picked him up at the Humane Society!  He is 3 years old and a Papillon Mix.  

My three babies!!  He fits right in.
Time for a Sunday nap!
We are so happy to have little Skippy living with us!  He is a great dog.  Skippy is very obedient and friendly.  He is crate trained and house trained.  He follows us where ever we go and rarely ever barks.  He does let out little growls to let you know that he is happy.  Such a sweetheart!!!

Now...on to some school-y stuff.

Last week I spent a majority of my week in professional development/training.  On Tuesday, I went to the Autism Cadre.  Today I thought I would share with you about the Cadre and what we are hoping to accomplish.

The cadre has been together now for four years and this is my third year as a member.  I joined the cadre when I moved to my new school district.  The grant and initiative that pays for the cadre to be a together is (in part) through the University of Louisville and the Kentucky Autism Training Center.  We have been studying various modules and strategies for educating students diagnosed with ASD over the past few years.  Some of the modules we have studied include: Discreet Trial Training, Pivotal Response Training, Social Skills Groups, Sensory Differences, Time Delay and many more.

Our district's goal is to educate the community about autism and help make correct diagnosis of autism.  We have several students in our building diagnosed with autism and we feel like it is important to educate them in the best way possible as well as educating the professionals and parents involved in the student's education and care.  

If you would like to learn more about the modules go here.  There are videos and handouts for 38 different modules.  You will have to register within the website to have access to all of modules.

If you work with students with autism or you are a caretaker or parent of someone with autism, then this is a must see website!


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Your comments make me smile! :)