
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mission: New Year, New Room

It's been since Friday since I have posted...whoa!  Sorry about that, but it has been super crazy around here!  We were allowed in our new school on Monday, so my mind and body have been preoccupied with all things school.  I took one load of my belongings to the school and have one or maybe two loads left to go.  My husband works during the day, so I am working in the evenings or whatever time I can squeeze in between the time he comes home and Bible School!  That's not really leaving much time!  Open House is 8 days!! EEEKKK!!

Since I'm not able to be at the school as much I would like this week, I am am doing a lot of work at home.  Thankfully my mom is heading my way this coming week to help watch kids and help me to put my room in order!

This is my first new classroom picture!  So much to little time.  Right now that huge whiteboard is standing in my way.  It is supposed to be moved very soon so I can begin moving things around.

Here are some pics of my decor and my precious daughter and hubby helping cut out laminating!  Now that's LOVE! :)

Wish me luck!  I can't wait to bring you more pictures of the finished product!


  1. I can't wait to see it!! I get to start decorating Monday so I will be checking your blog for inspiration, Heather

    1. I will be there all day tomorrow, so I hope to have lots and lots to share!


  2. Someone recently nominated me for this award because I had less than 200 blog followers, so I am paying it forward and nominating you. See my post to see what you can do:


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