
Saturday, February 1, 2014

February Currently

I'm linking up on this wonderful February morning with Farley for this month's Currently...

Oh' boy fourth grade

Listening:  It's a lazy Saturday morning here in Kentucky!  The kids are content playing, reading and being self-sufficient.  :)  YAY!!!  I really love the age my kids are now.  They still need their mommy, but are big enough to do what they want on their own.

Loving:  Recently, I have been getting to know several bloggers more personally and getting to give personal and professional advice to some of my readers.  This blog has been a blessing and keeps opening doors for me and showing me new avenues to explore.

Thinking:  The loving section really leads me into the thinking section.  I'm constantly thinking about the future.  What's next for my career?  What am I afraid of?  Can I take the next step?  Hopefully, I will be sharing some exciting news with you guys soon.

Wanting:  I want a day to relax and read or to relax and do nothing at all.  Unfortunately I have laundry to do, a house to clean, a grocery trip to make and kids to take to practice.  While I really don't mind to do any of those things, sometimes a day completely OFF would be amazing!  I see snow days in the forecast for next...maybe one of those days will be full of book reading and coffee drinking!

Needing:  Well, along with all of the things listed in wanting, I also need to meal plan for this month and make the trip to Costco.  Our monthly meal plan went really well in January and I look forward to doing it again this month.  I'll share soon about the ins and outs of the monthly meal planning.  I know it's not teaching related, but it does help this teacher make life easier!

2 Truths and a Fib:  #3 is the fib!  I did marry my high school sweetheart and I love flowers on Valentine's Day.  Those chocolate candy boxes are yuck!  I always seem to pick the grossest piece in the box! :)

Have a lovely February, friends!!!


  1. I found you through the Currently linky. My husband just left to do the Costco run so I could get some products updated & uploaded. I like chocolate, but those chocolate heart boxes have too many yucky surprises inside for me!

  2. Oh my goodness! A day of nothing sounds heavenly. I actually wrote how I wanted a weekend getaway. I would easily settle for just a day though.

    I love forward to reading about meal planning. I have been trying to do a week, sometimes two, but I usually fall off the bandwagon and grab something quick and easy to make. :)

    It's "OWL" Good in Kindergarten

    1. My day of nothing is going pretty well! I've been pretty content just being home (except going out for Mexican tonight)!

  3. I hate not knowing what's in those boxes of chocolate. You never know what's your going I get and that's not always a good thing!!!

  4. I am so impressed by your monthly meal plan. I am good to have a weekly meal plan. I am like you, I do not like boxes of chocolate.
    Tales from a Fourth Grade MathNut

    1. Hopefully, I will be posting about that soon and inspiring others! :)

  5. I will coming back to hear more about your monthly meal planning! I'm doing good to do a week at a time and by Thursday I give in and we have pizza! We have also dubbed Friday "Fix it yourself" Friday. Ha! Maybe if I plan better my family won't have to fend for themselves. Love your truths and a lie, I agree on the chocolate!~Heather @ Learning with Mrs. Langley

    1. My husband and I REALLY had to commit to the not eating out thing and cooking at home! It is a lot of work up front and took me a while the first time, but I planned February's meals today and it took half the time. I can't wait to share that with others! Keep checking back...there has been a lot of interest so I'll be sharing soon!

  6. you can make my meal plan and fix it of me too! just ship it UPS in some blocks of ice....well you wouldn't even need ice right now!!!!!!


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