
Friday, March 21, 2014

Five For Friday: March 21st Edition

It's Friday!!  Why are the longest weeks only four days long?  We missed school on Monday for yet another snow day, but this was a week that Friday couldn't come soon enough!  I think the cold and snow is just getting me down! I am over it!  My kids, thankfully, are great though and I love seeing them everyday! They are the best!!

So this week's top Five:

1.  My daughter went to Battle of the Books...a quick recall type of book battle.  The participants had to read several books (I believe 25 books are on the list) and they are asked different questions about the books.  They play tournament style against the other elementary schools in our district (8 total elementary schools).  Here is their cute little team!  Go LME! My Chloe is the girl in the back row!  Great job kids!

2.  Thursday was a make up the hours evening for teachers.  We had to stay 3 and 1/2 hours later to make up some of the hours we have missed due to snow.  Although staying after school isn't my idea of a fun evening, I did actually have fun and I got to hang with amazing people!! :)  Look at our little staff!! We all fit in the same conference room!
Family Dinner ;)

3.  Math stations are going amazingly in both 3rd and 5th grades!  My coteachers and I have started doing minilessons and math stations.  This has been a great way to differentiate instruction and also allow us to learn what the students know and don't know!  The kids are doing a great job staying on task and are self assessing!  I'm proud of them!  I hope to post about math stations soon!

4.  My kids are doing learning their multiplication facts!! I am so proud!  My resource math class is a group of 6 boys!  It has been a challenge to find something that interests them and helps them learn multiplication facts!  This product has changed the way my boys feel about learning math facts!! They are little math ninjas!! :)  Click the link to go to the TPT seller!

5.  And finally, I get to have my first meeting with the Learning A-Z team!  If you have read my blog for very long then you know how much I love Learning A-Z and their products.  Recently, I was named to the Reading A-Z Advisory Panel!  We have our first meeting in about 30 minutes to learn all about what my duties will be for this! I am beyond thrilled!!

Have a great weekend!!


  1. I feel ya on the snow/cold weather. We keep getting a tease of warm weather (in PA) then the next day it's 30 degrees and they are calling for snow again!
    That's so great your math stations are working out! I am having a Spring Math centers giveaway---might be useful for your 3rd grade group : ) Happy Weekend!

  2. Hi Kim,

    This is my first time to your blog. Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your appointment to the Learnign A-Z advisory board - wow! Have a great weekend!
    :) Shelley
    The Write Stuff Teaching

  3. Wow! I can't believe you had to stay after, because of snow days! I'm pretty sure that would not fly in my school! Good for you guys for making the best of it!
    Found your blog through Five for Friday and I am your newest follower. Would love for you to head over and check out my blog! Missy TheAdventuresofAClassyTeacher


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