
Friday, January 2, 2015

Currently January

I'm linking up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade for the year's first Currently of 2015!

Listening:  So quiet this morning!  I'm just siting here enjoying my Starbucks from my own coffee pot and reveling in the peace.  It's not often that it is quiet around here, so a little solitude is nice.

Loving:  I love breaks!  Winter break, Fall Break, Spring Break, Summer Break...I love them all!! I never want breaks to end. :)

Thinking:  I have been so productive this break.  I have taken a huge load of toys to Goodwill, cleaned out the kids toy room, moved Barrett to a new bedroom, and purged tons of trash, yet the Christmas trees are still up and the decorations are still out.  Oh well!  I enjoy having the house decorated and it is so empty when it is gone.  It's bad luck to take down the decorations before the New Year, right?

Wanting:  A few more days off...:)  See above!

Needing:  I have plans for the room that I cleaned and emptied!  A new office/craft room!  Joe is going to build me a huge craft table.  We have the plans and measurements, now just to get the materials and get to work!

Yes:  I will stay on a budget!  I am going to miss eating out :(  I will love saving money!
Maybe:  I will meal plan.  Of course I will meal plan, I started strong with this last year, but really slacked off :(  My plan is to save money and stick to a do this, I will have to plan our meals.  Here's to starting over...
I wish:  I honestly couldn't think of something I was wishing for...
I guess I just wish that I can stay committed to what I set out to do this year.

1 comment:

  1. Found you on Farley's linkup! I feel you on keeping a budget. It's so hard to do when my fiance and I both only get paid once a month. I'll have to check back and see how your office/craft room turns out!

    Cupcakes and Lesson Plans


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