
About Me

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to welcome you to my blog!  I began blogging in December of 2011 and everyday brings me new opportunities and friendships.  I can not even begin to tell you how much blogging and sharing what I know about special education has meant to me.  I have met so many other wonderful special education bloggers, shared my knowledge with people around the planet, and have been blessed with incredible opportunities I never would have dreamed if it had not been for this little ol' blog! 

I will continue sharing strategies from the special education classroom, although I am no longer in the classroom.  Beginning in 2015, I was given the opportunity to be the diagnostician and team leader for my school along with being the special education instructional consultant for my school district. I plan to bring you information about what I am working on, great strategies and examples of teaching from amazing professionals in the field of special education.  Some days it may be a simple tip, a fun moment that I experienced throughout my day, a way to tame the special ed. paperwork, a product I've made for my classroom or for someone else that I want to share with you, an app, or something amazing I've learned from a blogging buddy (credit given to them of course).  I hope you are always able to find something inspiring or enjoyable on my blog!

Facts about Mrs. H:

  • I graduated from Murray State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Learning and Behavior Disorders in December 2003.
  • I finished my Master's Degree in 2008 from the University of Louisville.  My degree is in Special Education with an emphasis in Assistive Technology.
  • I have taught in 3 schools since January of 2004.
  • I teach in elementary resource and co-teaching settings.
  • All of my teaching experience is in special education!  There is no area of education I would rather teach!!
Other Random things you don't know about me...
  • My faith is super important to me and without God's plan for me this blog and the opportunities I have been blessed with could have never happened. 
  • I have been married since I was 21!  I was just a baby!
  • I have two children, a girl and a boy.
  • My favorite food is pizza and chocolate covered cherries!
  • A monogram makes everything look better!
  • I've lived in Kentucky my whole life, but I wasn't really a UK fan, until we moved closer to Lexington!  There is something about living in the Heart of the Bluegrass that makes you love all things KY! #BBN #Go CATS!


  1. I am happy to have found your blog from a link on Extra Special Teaching! I, too, am a KY girl (from Hopkins County). As a parent of a special ed student, I've turned to the blogging world to find a little incite into the special ed classroom. I've already subscribed by email so I won't miss anything! Thank you for taking the time to create your blog! --mdbc77

  2. Thanks so much for following!! I taught in Hopkins County for six and half years before moving to Central Kentucky!! What a small world! I hope you can find something useful that will help you!! :)

  3. I would love to receive a copy of your data collection for xcel. I think this might be just what I am looking for. Thanks Again! I am subscribing by email. Look for Hanford to find the correct address. With Gratitude! E. Hanford

  4. Glad to have found your blog! I am also a Murray St. graduate and a resource teacher in Paducah. Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas!! GO CATS!!!

    1. Glad to have another KY girl following me!! Let me know if you ever have any questions!

  5. Love it! I grew up in Georgetown and am currently a special ed teacher in Frankfort!

  6. Just found. Your blog and excited to read! I am no longer in the classroom but still work. To support providers everyday! Keep up the good work!

  7. Hi Kim! I am over the moon excited to have found your blog! I have been a general education elementary teacher for the past 4 years, and I'm making the transition into special ed resource this year. It's always been my passion and I can't wait to take this next step in my career! Thank you for sharing your knowledge, I look forward to borrowing ideas from your blog this year :)

    1. Yay Rachel!! Congrats on your new position! I hope you find my blog a wealth of information. If you have any questions or need any advice, feel free to email me and I would be happy to help or answer any questions.

  8. Hi Kim,
    I love your blog! I have been a special ed. teacher for 15 years but am taking a resource room position this year. I feel like this is my first year teaching. Thanks for all the good advice! I will be following you all year.

  9. Hi Kim! I am looking for some insight! I have taught self contained for 8 years and am now relocated to a NEW state and teaching Resource Room. I am so overwhelmed with how different it is, and am having a difficult time keeping tabs on all my materials, things I need to do, progress monitor, teach multiple subjects,g rade levels, etc. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

    most importantly I am trying to figure out how to plan and prep for my 8 different groups I see during the day, PLUS manage the caseload I have, consults, progress monitoring, IEPs , etc, WHILE having a life outisde of school!

    1. Hi spedrunner!
      I know exactly what you are talking about. Shoot me an email with your email address and I will answer all of your questions. :)
      Hang in there. Im here to help!!

    2. Hi spedrunner!
      I know exactly what you are talking about. Shoot me an email with your email address and I will answer all of your questions. :)
      Hang in there. Im here to help!!

  10. Hello, I'm so happy to have stumbled upon a fellow KY girl. I am all the way out here in CA (military) and can't wait to come home to KY! I am a regular ed. teacher, but have recently been given the assignment of academic instruction in our small, Montessori schools' resource room. "Small" does not refer to the number of students I see throughout the day, however. I will be teaching K-8, along with a study skills and curriculum support class for middle school. I am grateful to be getting some ideas from you, a much more experienced special ed. teacher. Thank you.

  11. I am so happy to have found your blog. I am thinking of taking a new position as a RSP teacher for middle schoolers (grades 6,7, and 8th). I've only had experience with SDC lower elementary grades and have taught 6th grade SDC classroom. Do you think this is a big leap? and do you have any suggestions on how to get my classroom ready?

    1. Honestly, I'm not sure :)
      You will have to tell me what RSP and SDC mean. The acronyms are not anything I'm familiar with here. It sounds like you have some middle school experience, so that would be a plus. Email me at and I would be happy to chat with you about how to set up a classroom (it's a little easier that way than in the comments) :)
      Don't be afraid of change! You never will know if you would be successful at teaching a new level if you don't give it a try. It may just be the thing you were made to do!

    2. Honestly, I'm not sure :)
      You will have to tell me what RSP and SDC mean. The acronyms are not anything I'm familiar with here. It sounds like you have some middle school experience, so that would be a plus. Email me at and I would be happy to chat with you about how to set up a classroom (it's a little easier that way than in the comments) :)
      Don't be afraid of change! You never will know if you would be successful at teaching a new level if you don't give it a try. It may just be the thing you were made to do!

    3. Honestly, I'm not sure :)
      You will have to tell me what RSP and SDC mean. The acronyms are not anything I'm familiar with here. It sounds like you have some middle school experience, so that would be a plus. Email me at and I would be happy to chat with you about how to set up a classroom (it's a little easier that way than in the comments) :)
      Don't be afraid of change! You never will know if you would be successful at teaching a new level if you don't give it a try. It may just be the thing you were made to do!


Your comments make me smile! :)