
Monday, August 13, 2012

Menu Monday & Monday Made It

Every new (school) year is a time for new beginnings, new students, colleagues, parents, and lesson plans.  This time of year always makes me think about what I am going to do differently to make this year even more successful than the last.  I have made one big New (School) Year Resolutions...

Be prepared.  This is easy when it comes to making new lessons, but when it comes to having my home life and my school life prepared (at the same time) it becomes difficult for me.  I often spend mornings scrambling around....dressing kids, making lunches, ironing clothes, and on and on.  My plan for this year is to make Sunday a planning day.  I have typically done this with my lesson plans, but I also want to do this in all areas of my life.  I am going to highlight a different area of my life each week.  Hey, I am hoping this keeps me on track! key...right?!?!

Today, after church, we bought the Sunday paper, I clipped coupons, planned meals, and went shopping.  It was a good day.  I felt like I really accomplished something!  I used to menu plan (back in the spring), but life took over and that came to an end.  It's time to get back on board!!  The best way for me to stick with  this is to post it for all of the world to see!! :) MENU MONDAYS are here!!

Do you meal plan?  How do you handle it?  Where do you get your meal ideas?  What makes it easy for you?  Leave me a comment and share how you handle meals for the week!

In a few weeks, I hope to give you an update on how things are going with meal planning.  I hope to have a binder going of our favorite recipes...stay tuned!!! ;)


My husband has been super busy lately making a TV stand for his "man cave."  He asked that I share them with you all! He made his TV stand out of two pallets, some wooden legs and 4 wheels from Lowes.

Take a look...



  1. HAHA! I love that he wanted you to share them with us:) Tell him, "nice work!"

    We are ALL Special!

    1. :) Thanks! He was so excited to be "published." He secretly just wanted his "creation" on Pinterest!



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