
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sight Word Dominoes *FREEBIE*

It has been a busy week, people!! And it's only Tuesday!!  Snow days get me off track, faculty meeting, progress monitoring, annual reviews, IEPs to write...ugg the list goes on and on, but so does life.  :)

I did have some time to crank out a wonderful freebie for all of you lucky blog readers!

Here you will find SIGHT WORD DOMINOES!  I used the first 100 FRY word list.  These are the words my school uses to assess sight word recognition.  Click the picture for the file!

To play this game:
1. Cut apart sight word dominoes
2. Place all dominoes face down on playing surface
3. Each player chooses 7 domino cards. The remaining cards are placed in
a pile to the side.
4. Each player holds dominoes so that the other players cannot see words.
5. The first player takes his turn by placing a domino on the playing
6. The other player then tries to match up a word with an open word. If
player does not have a matching word then he draws from the pile.
7. Finish the game when a player uses all of his dominoes or no more
matches can be made.

I am currently working on the second and third 100 FRY word lists and will have them available on TPT for a nominal fee very soon!

If you download this set, please leave me a comment and let me know how they work for you or if any changes should be made.  One of my suggestions is to make a couple of sets of the dominoes, because you can then build off the domino with a matching word in several directions.

Hope you enjoy!

Special Thanks:
Border from Creative Clips

Font in Kidding Around Too from:


  1. Thanks for the freebie -- just what I was looking for!

  2. I love this game idea. Any chance you have this in a non D'Nealian font? We teach basic manuscript and not sure the tails and such on the letters will hinder and already struggling reader.


Your comments make me smile! :)