
Sunday, May 5, 2013

State Testing Time!!! AAHHHH!!

This week begins state testing in Kentucky which is now known as K-PREP.  These five letters strike fear and angst into many students and teachers across the state!  It is the time when everything you have taught all year is put on the line as the students begin to "show what they know."

I think at this point it is so easy to stress out,  but then you have to remember that if you've done your best, then they (the students) will do their best!

If you are a parent, here are some testing week suggestions:
1.  Send your child to bed early.  You don't want them to be sleepy during testing!  We need alert and well rested students.
2.  Eat a healthy breakfast.  A good brain runs on good nutrition!
3.  Encourage your child to do their best.
4.  Remind your child that this is the time to show what they have learned, but still keep in perspective that this is only a test of knowledge, not of self-worth.

If you are a teacher, here are some testing week suggestions:
1.  Go to bed early!  More rest...less stress!
2.  Eat a healthy breakfast.  Your body will run best on good nutrition, too!  Just be careful not to drink to much coffee (or anything for that matter, because potty breaks are few and far between during testing!)
3.  Encourage your students to do their best!
Here are some cute testing motivators that I found for free:

4.  Keep testing in perspective.  The students are going to show all they have learned.  Encourage them to give it all they've got, but remember this is a test.  It does not determine your self worth either!
5.  And...when this week is all over...go for a massage, or a night on the town, or something to unwind and relax!

For some other motivation for making test motivators check out my Pinterest Board:  Testing Motivators

Good luck this week to my fellow Kentuckians!  Good luck to all of you across the nation!

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