
Sunday, October 27, 2013

I'm Here Because of Where I've Been

The title of this post pretty much says it all.  I am at the school I am at, because of the path that was planned for me.  If I hadn't followed my calling and said yes to the places and the people along the way, then I could be somewhere different perhaps.

Let me just update you, in case this is the first post of the last 3 that you have read.  I began telling my story of teaching, the good times and the bad, because I have read so many posts lately on blogs and through Facebook from teachers I follow that have been about teacher's feeling discontent and burned out.  I don't have the answer to why teacher's are feeling so stressed.  Maybe it's the demands of the government, the administration, students, families, colleagues or maybe all of these combined.  Whatever it is, I don't have an answer or a solution to fix what is wrong with everyone, but I do have empathy for those that are struggling.  I wrote these series of posts to possibly give hope to those in a less than perfect environment.  You are not alone, teacher friends, everyone struggles, but God promises that he has a plan and a purpose for you.  You just have to follow him.

I began teaching at a brand new school this year.  Brand new building, brand new staff, new kids, new books, new computers, new everything!  To say it is a dream come true is an understatement, but the road to where I am now has been paved by the choices and the people I have met along the way.

Over three years ago when I began looking for a job in Central KY, I interviewed for two different jobs. You know that I accepted the second job.  What you don't know is that I was not offered the first job, but was offered a one year position in that school.  I declined that at the time, because I needed something more permanent.  You also don't know, that I was offered another interview right here in the town I live in right after I had accepted the job at my second school.  Three years ago I could have been teaching in the county I lived in, what I really wanted to do the whole time, but I had made a verbal commitment to my second school and I couldn't go back on that.  If I had taken any of the other offers, I may have missed out on some of the struggles I had at the second school.  Possibly, I would have not had to work so hard to deal with behavior issues or I would have been in a district with a ton of special education support.  On the other hand, I would not have had the chance to learn new behavior techniques, I wouldn't have become certified as a math interventionist, I wouldn't be a part of a cadre to learn about autism and to better services the needs of those on the spectrum.  I wouldn't have had the chance to work with kids and parents that are different from me and different than what I was used to.  I learned a lot about different cultures and socio-economic levels there.  Maybe I wouldn't have developed my talents to become a leader, because I wouldn't have spent time on leadership teams or Site Based or had my first KTIP intern.  I also wouldn't have made the connections with some really awesome friends that mean the world to me now.  And, maybe my personal kids wouldn't have developed the friendships they made with some outstanding kiddos in that school.  Although, I experienced difficulty and often felt like I didn't really have anywhere to turn for help, the experiences I gained there helped to shape who I am becoming.

When I interviewed for the position I have now, someone said to me that I would be lucky to get a job at this brand new school, because they had heard how many people were applying for the 2 special education positions and it would be really hard to land this job or even get an interview.  At the time, my feelings were a little hurt, but you know, luck really had nothing to do with it.  God had prepared my heart and gave me the knowledge and wisdom I needed to move on one more time to do what He had called me to do.  Everything I had been through, the offers I declined, the chances I took, and the path I followed have all collectively led closer and closer to my dream.  I cannot discount the opportunities that I have had and the people that have influenced my teaching career.  Times were not always rosy, but God is in my plans.  He is in my future and He has led me faithfully this far.  I absolutely love where I am now and am beyond thankful for the opportunity to be where I am.  For now, I am content, I am living my dream right now, but I know there is more to come.  I have new dreams now and God is still in those and I cannot wait to see what is coming next!

To all of you, waiting for what's next, I pray blessings on your journey and your dreams.  Keep doing what you are doing, because you are being prepared for what is coming next.

One more thing...I just thank you all for reading my little blog from all the way out here in Kentucky.  I appreciate each of you that click and read what I have to say.  I have had the opportunity this week to talk with two different people (from different parts of the US) on the phone about my blog and what I'm doing and that is just unreal to me.  When I first started blogging, I had no idea the reach this would take or the difference it might make to someone.  I am starting to see the next part of my dream and God's plans come into view.  For that, I am so thankful!

Keep reading, keep teaching, and keep dreaming!!


  1. I so appreciate your advice and your ability to put all the struggles of teaching into perspective. Your blog has become one of my go-to resources for teaching ideas. I am currently a first-year teacher in Texas, and my school has a sped department of one: me. I am the special ed chair and resource teacher for the whole elementary school, and at times it is terrifying. We are also in the midst of designing a new school, so I am currently out in a portable. The position can be very isolating, but my wonderful kiddos and blogs like yours remind me why I am so blessed to be here!! Thank you!

    1. Your comment is exactly the reason why I write this blog. I am so thankful that you are able to find resources and information through it. I do know how "alone" you can feel as a special education teacher, which is why it is important to reach out to others in your profession! Feel free to send me an email if you ever have questions that my blog isn't answering! Thanks for your sweet comment!


Your comments make me smile! :)