
Sunday, March 2, 2014

March Currently!

It's March!  I'm a day late, but still linking up with my favorite linky party, Farley's Currently!

Listening:  The dishwasher has run non-stop today thanks to the hubby!  He keeps filling it up every time we have another meal.  I like it!! :)

Loving:  I really cannot say enough about my new school and how much I love it there!  It is proving to be an awesome place for kids (and adults) to learn and grow! 

Thinking:  KY is on the brink of another round of winter weather! :( Boo!! I am so ready for spring, but tonight we are supposed to get 4-8 inches of snow.  While it does snow in Kentucky in the winter, this winter the snow has been a bit on the excessive side.  I love a snow day, but I also love warm weather and swimming pools! Bring on summer!!

Wanting: It's been several weeks (maybe even a month) since I've been to Target!  I'm having withdrawl symptoms!  Someone!  Quick!!  Take me to the big, red Bullseye!!

Needing:  I could ALWAYS use a vacation!  This cold weather is making me dream of warm sand and sunny beaches.  I am incredibly jealous of my other teacher blogger buddies posting pics of near 80 degree weather and sunny days.  I've even seen flip flops, people!! I need vitamin D in a bad way!!

????????:  Do you know what Diet Coke is the answer to?  Scroll on down to find out!

No Diet Coke, pop, soda, cola...not even a drip drop since December 31!!  Woooooo!  New Years resolution going strong!



  1. Hi! I found your blog thru Farley's Currently! I feel your pain about this winter weather! We got more snow last night, as well! But not nearly what they predicted! Thank goodness! Think spring thoughts! :)

    A+ Classroom Creations

  2. I'm giving up Diet Mountain Dew for lent. I'm glad to hear it can be done.

    Target $ spot is the best! Go!

  3. No Target OR Diet Coke?! You must be a strong woman, my friend. ;) But seriously: great job sticking with your resolution!

    ~Mrs. K. from The Teacher Garden Blog

  4. Great job staying off the pop and target...that place is dangerous but in a good way!
    Elyse :)
    Proud to be Primary


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