Our family has been blessed time and time over since I last blogged and I thought I would share with you all what I have been up to during my little hiatus!
This is what we do at Thanksgiving! :) Just a little quality time with my great nephew taking funny pictures. This kid is a hoot!!
Christmas is my favorite time of year! I had my tree up well before Thanksgiving! (Maybe this picture should be first in the line up!)
Here are my sweeties at their Nana's house looking like they really love each other. Just kidding, they do love each other, but to get them to take a picture together is usually a fight. This one turned out great. One of my favorites from the holidays this year. This was also Bear's favorite Christmas tree.
This is our church and this year's Christmas musical. My Chloe had a lead role this year as the storyteller. It was a precious musical about Sherlock Watson investigating the birth of Christ. Our church is full of talented children. A big thanks goes out to Mrs. Krystal for putting on this touching and adorable play, and for helping my Chloe find the actress inside of her!
We are so fortunate to live in the hometown of the Kentucky Horse Park and we get to enjoy their beautiful light display every year. This year we went with some close friends and their kiddos. We had a wonderful night. The picture above is from that night. You can't have Christmas lights in the BIG BLUE NATION without the Kentucky Wildcat! This is my favorite display from the entire night!
Here's my smart 4th grader! She earned two distinguished on her 3rd grade state test (K-PREP)! She was one of three 3rd graders to score straight distinguished! This smartie pants makes me so proud to be her mommy!
This is Chloe and Dobby. If you are a Harry Potter fan then I didn't have to tell you who that cute little house elf is. Chloe is MAJOR Harry Potter fan. Check out her Christmas present:
10 bags of Lego pieces and 4 hours later and Hogwarts comes to life in our dining room!
Family Game Night...Doggie Doo!! Hilariously disgusting!!
What's a January without a little organization? These are the junk drawers. How do these come to be? It's like all of the little knick-knacks in the house gather together for a party or something, so frustrating. So, with a cheap trip to the Dollar Tree my drawers now look nice and tidy:
And finally...two precious and adorable elves are seen here helping me put together bookshelves. We also have a newly organized playroom that I will be sharing with you soon! (I don't want to give away all of my good material! You are going to love it!)
As for now, this weekend is promising to be filled with some more family time, lesson planning, and a little KTIP resource teacher and intern work sessions.
I will be back to blogging regularly, but it was definitely the right time for me to take a little break. I love blogging, teaching, and my family and finding the right balance between all aspects of my life makes things run much more smoothly! Check back soon!
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