I am linking up again with Blog Hoppin' for Therapeutic Thursday!

In reality, most of my days are spent going, going, going from sun up to sun down! Take yesterday for example:
1. Woke up
2. Showered
3. Dressed
4. Dressed my two children
5. Put supper in the CrockPot
6. Backed out of the driveway and hit the trashcan!
7. Called parents all day and did Brigance Kindergarten surveys
8. Did math and reading baseline assessments between phone calls
9. A student of mine had her wheelchair get stuck in the recline position and we had to lift her out of her chair
10. I couldn't fix it
11. Someone is coming Monday to fix that
12. My (personal) kids came to my room hungry and ready to leave
13. Called my husband and he told me that I put the food in the CrockPot this morning, but didn't put the ceramic insert in and just set the chicken on the heating element. Where was my head?!?! He caught that early enough and saved supper!!
14. Fixed the rest of supper when I got home
15. Cleared dishes
16. Fixed lunches
17. Checked assessments
18. Went to church and worked Kidz City (one of my favorite parts of the week). It was Water Night, yes, slip and slide!!
19. Served snowcones
20. Got gas and drinks at the gas station
21. Did a load of laundry
22. ...and blogged! :)
Whew!!! I am sure there are many of you that have had an even more exhausting day than this, but for me this was a loooong day and I am pooped!! So how do I settle down and relax after a day like this? What is therapeutic to me?
1. Long baths in my new tub!
2. Blogging
3. Funny pictures, like these:
4. Reading. I am trying to finish the Harry Potter series. I waited so many years to read these books. Why??? I love HP!!!! My 4th grade daughter and I are trying to see who can finish them all first. :)
5. Talking to great friends...especially when those talks include fall break plans ;)
6. And inspirational pins such as these:

Sounds like a busy day! I am glad you found my blog (and commented). I am now YOUR newest follower!
Miss Allison's Class